Comments on: Emmanuel Mwamba advises Mucheleka to leave the palace Keeping you Informed Tue, 01 Jan 2013 04:09:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: C-MUKULU Sat, 24 Dec 2011 10:42:45 +0000 Playing with juju, sata will regret

By: vantage point Fri, 23 Dec 2011 21:36:50 +0000 Chanda, no tribe or single person has a monopoly to the three letters B.R.E. you can not claim these three letters as your intellectual property, there is nothing like copyright theft here. Life is much broader than a single tribe in a remote part of the world.

By: Chanda Fri, 23 Dec 2011 13:38:14 +0000 BRE is Ba (batu=bantu) Rotse (Lozi) Royal Establishment comprises the Royal Administration headed by the Ngambela (Prime Minister) Barotse Kuta (Barotse Court) and the Barotse National Council ( all chiefs and Indunas). BRE has been in use since centuries ago.
When did the Bemba Royal Establishment come into been? Or are people just imitating the Lozis? Why is it not Shilubemba.?….this sounds authentic rather than Bemba Royal Establishment…my foot! Barotse=Balozi (this is more authentic and traditional)

By: kapasa makasa kaluulu Fri, 23 Dec 2011 10:52:31 +0000 the decision by the president on this matter is right because when Nkula dies chikwanda suceeds him. Sampa mulenda was nkula 1, suceeded by chikwanda mutale shi chansa(nkula 2), nkula 1 was a son of chanda mukulu(chilufya mulenga). nkula 2 was a son of mukuka mfumu kasande the daughter to chilufya mulenga. chilufya mulenga born nakasafya mulenga who gave birth to chikwanda who later became nkula 3. chikwanda had a sister mande chanda(mukuka mfumu) who had a son called bwalya changala who suceeded his uncle and became nkula 4. nkula 5 musungu changala, nkula 6 bwembya changala were the nephew to chikwanda. the sister of nkula 4,5,6, mulenga nkumbula gave birth to nkula 7 by the name of dickson chitabanta. Sata is 100% right

By: Dr OBATALA Thu, 22 Dec 2011 20:23:16 +0000 These chitimukulu were the people that did not welcome Sata for fear that RB will not give them money. They even refused to greet sata. Now he is president and has chosen his chief from his village mpika.

By: vantage point Thu, 22 Dec 2011 20:12:48 +0000 The above comments reveal a lot of ignorance. The government and Mwamba are right. The succession pattern in the BRE has tradtionally been from Chikwanda to Nkula and then Chitimukulu.KK confused the pattern when he appointed a miner from Chingola to the paramount throne and the confusion persists as seen above. Government and Mwamba are just to restore the tradition. Mwamba is from the royal lineage and he knows what he is talking about. Stop behaving like rabid dogs after the blood of Sata.

By: The Jackal Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:18:06 +0000 At some point when Sata was in opposition the BRC summoned him and refused to appear befróre the claiming that he does not fall under them but under Chief Chikwanda. So, they can’t summon him. Sata is imply trying to make chief Chikwanda more power among the Bemba chiefs and this is not going to work. Chief Nkula cannot be taken over by chief Chikwanda, Sata please twakupapata leave us alone. 

By: The Jackal Thu, 22 Dec 2011 18:34:33 +0000 In reply to PIGNIMBY.

That is why the BRE needs to be wary of Sata, what kind of president interferes in every issue anyway? Ubufumu bwesu and they should not bring in politics!

By: The Jackal Thu, 22 Dec 2011 18:32:10 +0000 Sata and his govt must leave the succession disputes to the traditional chiefs and why rush in to recognize someone who has been put their through the proper channels? Mucheleka did not put himself their. Everything was done accordingly and simply because Sata has some issues with certain individuals he cannot recognize them unless those he want. This is setting a very bad precedent to other chiefs. Please Sata and Mwamba stay away from the these traditional affairs. Those people have been around and they know what they are doing. Just stop interfering and concentrate on govt programmes. We do not want to see a situation were chiefs are threaten by the president and his govt!

By: CHARACTER ASSASSIN 00 Thu, 22 Dec 2011 18:19:04 +0000 When I ascend to power, such things like kingdoms will be abolished and those in palaces burned to ashes. We will carry out a massive witch burning ceremony.
