Comments on: After Two Decades of Economic Sanctions on Zimbabwe, Are they Justifiable? Keeping you Informed Sun, 09 Oct 2022 18:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patriotic Front UK-Branch Sun, 09 Oct 2022 18:37:00 +0000 In reply to Independent.

Ask hh that question

By: Promise Sun, 09 Oct 2022 12:12:16 +0000 7. It was at this point that the USA listed ZANUPF gvt ministers and companies they owned or controlled to be sanctioned. This is the reason Zimbabwe can freely trade with the rest of the world save that USA has maintained these individual targeted sanctions. Assets and money the ZANUPF elites were hiding in America or American owned banks are frozen there. They need their sanctions to be lifted.

By: Promise Sun, 09 Oct 2022 12:11:57 +0000 5. The land grab was done haphazardly. It was said to be targeting farmers with more than one farm but there was No plan, it was indiscriminate, and most lucrative grabbed farms went to Gvt ministers. This resulted in Mugabe himself owning 13 farms.
Now we had a financially bankrupt country destroying its most vital industry “Agriculture” DOUBLE JEOPARDY! The world ? started to take notice!
6. ZANUPF had gone into a propaganda overdrive and the land grabs, killings and general lawlessness continued. More national assets continued to grabbed including mines, manufacturing companies such as Bata, etc were being taken through another engine called Affirmative Action Group. The army organized companies and went into business. Some Gvt parastatals were changed ownership and placed into…

By: Promise Sun, 09 Oct 2022 12:10:14 +0000 3. A referendum was tabled to the Zimbabwean people. It was sold by ZANU PF as a referendum to force whites to give back land BUT in that referendum was clauses to give Mugabe Life Presidency powers. ZANU PF suffered its first defeat as the referendum failed. This was A wake up moment for ZANUPF.
4. The war veterans had suddenly been drafted into a pseudo ZANUPF army by virtue of the $ paid to them. They were unleashed into the White owned farms to start the land grab. This group was led by the Dr Hunzvi who was at the helm of certifying gvt ministers of 95% disability in the earlier mentioned looting.

By: Promise Sun, 09 Oct 2022 12:08:48 +0000 2. Facing increased pressure with formation of an labor backed opposition party (MDC), ZANU PF went on to splash Millions $ on War Veterans giving each $50K. Some veterans got way more $ if they could prove disability. Set on a sliding scale, it was ridiculously high as % of disability. A lot of the ZANU PF gvt ministers got as much as 95% disability approved. The Dr tasked with assessing these disabilities was the infamous veteran Dr Hunzvi. This money was not budgeted for and left the nation in terrible financial shape!!!! This is the true start of the Zimbabwean economic decline!

By: Promise Sun, 09 Oct 2022 11:28:56 +0000 You narrative above is amiss of some vital information that can give the Zimbabwean situation the clarity it deserves. A few critical points missing are as follows:
1. Zimbabwe was being paid by the British for the resettlement according to the Lancaster Agreement. The money was being looted by Mugabe’s regime and non used for the intended purpose. When the Tony Blair and his Labor Party took power they demanded for the accountability of the funds and stopped further funding as the Zimbabwean Gvt could not account. This caused the famous Mugabe speech “Tony Blair keep your Britain and I will keep my Zimbabwe” The African continent celebrated Mugabe telling the white Man to his face but did not interrogate the background.
2. Facing increased pressure with formation of an labor backed…

By: Independent Sun, 09 Oct 2022 09:06:22 +0000 Zimbabwe has been sanctioned mainly by western countries .
They can trade with Russia, China, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Uganda etc
Why should the western nations come on board?

By: ex-moma Sun, 09 Oct 2022 08:17:41 +0000 I did not know that Zimbabwe has been under sanctions imposed by the West this long!!! It is absolutely preposterous. These Western nations have caused untold suffering on millions of Zimbabweans for decades!! It is really unfair.I did not realise how evil these Western nations are!! Does this mean Zimbabwe can not export its produce to other African countries?

By: Patriotic Front UK-Branch Sun, 09 Oct 2022 07:25:30 +0000 The west have never gotten over his exceIIency Robert mugabe telling them the truth to their faces and standing up to their neo colonial tendencies.
Sadly in hh they have found a coconut who they can control.
