Comments on: Landlord kills tenant while ‘Fund manager’ kills client in Livingstone Keeping you Informed Sun, 09 Jan 2011 21:57:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mutola libona Sun, 09 Jan 2011 21:57:06 +0000 @ dishonest shut your …as ..hole..

By: Honest Sat, 08 Jan 2011 16:20:26 +0000 People do not hate Lozis, they just dislike their agenda of claiming what does not belong to them. People hate to be colonised by again.

By: ISHEE MATUNDWELO LITIA Sat, 08 Jan 2011 08:37:10 +0000 Chi Chomba, why do you hate the Lozis? People hate the Lozis out of prejudices. What is thre in Zed is that for the fact that am born this tribe its a must to hate the Lozis. What we know is that though half of the state hate the Lozis for nothing, there are stil a few who appreciate the Lozis. We are giant coz many people hate us but fail to pin us down. All i can say is murdering somebody is bad. May their souls rest in peace.

By: mk Sat, 08 Jan 2011 07:33:11 +0000 Pipo pipo work up. Nowadays many of these so called prophets or pastors have a tendence of cheating pipo in their churches by demanding donations in the name of sacrificial offerings on the pretext that they will multiply it. Shame! Riches come by hard work, innovation & investing in yo talents. NO ONE CAN MULTIPLY MONEY 4 U. Have u not wondered why they fail to multiply it 4 themselves but always ask donations from u pipo?

By: general Sat, 08 Jan 2011 06:41:29 +0000 Bushe mashina yachine aya.

By: MOSES NYAMBE Sat, 08 Jan 2011 04:39:20 +0000 too bad

By: Ntomba Ndeya Sat, 08 Jan 2011 03:42:35 +0000 Sorry you got do what you got do!!

By: King Solomon Sat, 08 Jan 2011 02:04:40 +0000 ba landlord pali zingati,4 zali

By: Chomba Sat, 08 Jan 2011 01:13:29 +0000 It is these Lozis who are fighting for sucession, they really need to go back to Barotseland because they are really a nusence in Southern province of Zambia where everyone is free. If they want killings they should join that Barotse movement Mafia. Mutisebanya mwe, we are free in Livingstone where every tribe is represented like Lusaka and CB, even Ndebeles are free to mingle unlike Western province where every foreigner (Munyuku-nyuku) has to leave by 14th January.

By: Selako Ntambe Fri, 07 Jan 2011 23:29:40 +0000 I didn’t read how barbaric those people in Livingstone have become, Zambia need change of government this year. People are niw doing what they want because they know they will be acquitted, or escape bails.
