Comments on: Mongu Residents march to PS’s office Keeping you Informed Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:06:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bondix Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:06:19 +0000 #17 H.H. Sata, you are a x_FOOL

By: Bondix Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:05:01 +0000 The judiciary must be professional..When an offence is bailable offenders must be given bail.
#17 H.H. Sata, you are a FOOL. You seem to be excited for nothing. In the first place, if those people were given a permit, all this would not have happened.
Governments are not always right. Even Mubarak of Egypt has accepted that his government has made mistakes. Governments are for people and must listen to the cry of the people.
Having a government in place does not mean people should become ROBOTS.
I repeat #17 H.H. Sata, you are a FOOL

By: kayama simangulungwa Sat, 29 Jan 2011 11:25:49 +0000 #35

namibia wanted to put up gravel road on sesheke to l/stone road as a payment but chiluba govt refused and instead got cash. and at that time it use to take us 7 hours imagine. all the govt doesnt want is decentralisation.

By: Viva Africa Sat, 29 Jan 2011 09:40:05 +0000 10 Junza//

You are correct. Most of the quarry stone used in Namibia’s Katima Mulilo’s is from Lusu area in Sesheke. One wonders whether the local pipo benefit from this. However, Sesheke needs an Institute for Natural Resources Development to take care of the forest resource which is carelessly being depleted.

By: Viva Africa Sat, 29 Jan 2011 09:29:16 +0000 33 Kayama//

You are right. One wonders why in the first place these pipo we denied a permit to air their views. Was this a plot to provoke them and later on arrest them?

By: kayama simangulungwa Sat, 29 Jan 2011 07:07:45 +0000 this situation wil get out of hand. pipo can be pushed to a certain limit there after hell breaks lose. why refuse pipo bail u expect pipo to riot again for u to listen.

By: Viva Africa Sat, 29 Jan 2011 06:29:43 +0000 God is good all the time. We pray for you brothers and sisters.
School children and their grandparents in prisons, does it make Zambia better? Zambians must realize, no army has ever won a war against its own citizens. The quicker courts settle the Barotseland Agreement issue the better.

By: Deja Vu Sat, 29 Jan 2011 04:43:26 +0000 In the civilized world systems control presidents. That is why there is a lot of advancement. You bring Chinese to dig holes in your ground and you call that development. What happens when there nothing any more in that hole? The Chinese will go back home and leave with so many holes,

By: Deja Vu Sat, 29 Jan 2011 04:41:19 +0000 I am listening to BBC news on the Egyptian crisis. I am very surprised to hear that President Mubarak has sacked his government as a solution, despite the fact that he is actually the problem himself. This just confirms my long time belief that an African will never make a good president not even in a 1000000 years. These chaps are as ordinary as the next person, but as soon as they enter State House, they become gods. The become omni potent , they become the almighty. I see this in our President, our own Rupiah Banda. He says things which deep inside he does not believe but expects us to believe. He spurred on by the MMD sycophants who clap and jeer at every word that he utters without giving it a thought. This is the African tragedy. A single person controls the system. In the civilized…

By: opness Fri, 28 Jan 2011 22:41:04 +0000 when there is wrong people in power we lose the good we have. if we look well rb is taking the country on fire by this behave he doesnt take issue serious what he want is to rule only. we have to cahnge the govt they have over stay and are dragging the country in civil war slowly. so think of you future and chidren and relative before we cant have president use criminals as advisors.
