Comments on: Response to the Final Draft Land Policy Keeping you Informed Fri, 02 Nov 2018 17:10:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: loud and smart Fri, 02 Nov 2018 17:10:32 +0000 @CK. No my friend we do not have an vision or plan whatsoever. That is where most of our problems come from-lack of ‘comprehensive’ planning. Where there are plans, we have too many of them which do not fit together or speak to each other.
Thanks Harrison for highlighting valid concerns. This land issue will put us in problems (if we are not in problems already!).

By: Ck Fri, 02 Nov 2018 10:42:06 +0000 I don’t know whether we have any plan about how we would love our cities look in 50 years.

By: Ck Fri, 02 Nov 2018 10:41:04 +0000 Zambia fits to be among the lowest implementers of land policies in Africa. As citizens we don’t have the desciplin and as law makers and enforcers we don’t monitor or followup.

It is sad to see settlements in urban Zambia looking as if land in Zambia has finished. Unplanned settlement with zero service deliveries are a disaster and we can’t have s cholera free Zambia though the president dreams so. Distribution or rather selling of land and later developing it is in too many hands including party cadres, a shame to our country. People build under high tension cables and ZESCO electrifies such houses. People build over water pipes, block drainage and deeds are given them. People build where there supposed to be schools, hospitals or even roads, no one is there to to stop them. I…

By: 2020vision Fri, 02 Nov 2018 09:56:54 +0000 Mr Harrison Chewe why are you against people choosing to be buried on their farm land? Each tribe has its own customs so don’t generalise on custom and think that your ancestors customs from Congo are the same as someone’s whose ancestors come from Matebeleland. And don’t cheat yourself about people having respect for the dead even in these town cemeteries you will see them digging a burial site at the exact same site where another person was buried. As for me I would rather be buried at my own family farm and so too my children. On the issue of foreigners owning large tracts of land we should reciprocate to those countries that do not allow Zambians to own land in their countries same policy as with Visas.
