Comments on: Lusaka Floods, Our Leaders to Blame Keeping you Informed Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:19:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jive Talk Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:19:22 +0000 What this guy means is that there areas that should not have been built on, not only recently but even historically. There areas from what I understand with shallow soils requiring forest cover to prevent rapid water saturation. Once you strip these areas of forest cover, the soil saturates rapidly resulting heavy water run off and consequently flooding.

By: FutureZed Mon, 13 Feb 2023 05:41:33 +0000 Just buy canoes and make money by transporting people during this season.

By: Tarino Orange Sun, 12 Feb 2023 22:50:28 +0000 In reply to Tarino Orange.

He will not tell you that Millenium Challenge Account was delivered under budget and before time to the point where the USAID used the surplus for other additional projects which were not in the budget.

By: Mlevi Kachasu. Sun, 12 Feb 2023 21:57:58 +0000 The rotten PF govt allowed building and street vending everywhere in the name of gaining votes. The result = current flooding and cholera epidemic of 2018.

By: Pa Sun, 12 Feb 2023 21:39:06 +0000 These floods speak volumes of the attitude of workers toward work. Zambian workers let us not fold our arms watching things costing a lot money being damaged. These floods are creating a health hazard to our environment too. Why should we even fail to clean our toilets?

By: Tarino Orange Sun, 12 Feb 2023 19:51:14 +0000 In reply to Kalingalinga Campus.

He will only write his articles when his tenders for work are ignored for his consulting firm

By: Tarino Orange Sun, 12 Feb 2023 17:35:00 +0000 In reply to Tarino Orange.

As usual because its an Impostor it swiftly restores to character assasination so as you baited to trade insults!!

By: Tarino Orange Sun, 12 Feb 2023 17:31:38 +0000 In reply to Independent.

This man is a Principal Engineer at his company as abbreviated – NGM Consulting Engineers Ltd surely how can any govt award such an unprofessional chap who can not present his case in a professional manner at the same time educating the masses. I dont you will be ever awarded any GRZ because of your rantings.

By: Tarino Orange Sun, 12 Feb 2023 17:24:34 +0000 In reply to Kaizar Zulu.

As usual its an Impostor with no responsibility to that name so it can insult and name call at will

By: Tarino Orange Sun, 12 Feb 2023 17:22:14 +0000 In reply to Razor.

The man is not professional and a not doing local engineering fraternity any good with such utter careless ranting…there are ways of expressing frustration in writing even if you are posting from your Face_book page.
