Comments on: Doctors on go slow, nurses plan to join in Keeping you Informed Sat, 05 Jun 2021 11:15:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Typical Zambia Sat, 05 Jun 2021 11:15:06 +0000 Mu zambia
kuwayawaya fye

By: Fwanya Sun, 30 May 2021 07:10:06 +0000 LT you blocking other comments only allowing UPND inclined comments…

By: Fwanya Sun, 30 May 2021 06:55:33 +0000 PF and UPND members will die and who loses in the end every one… UPND danderheads and sycophants are Sadists who will never appreciate anything…

By: This Thorn in the Flesh Sun, 30 May 2021 06:33:18 +0000 At such an opportune time. Good timing is of the essence. Strike the iron when it’s hot.
I don’t support any worker going for a month or two without pay neither do I support blackmail or essential workers (those charged to take care of sick and vulnerable lives) to go on strike. This act is heartless.
Not paying them is as heartless and heartbreaking as withdrawing service from serving and saving health compromised people.
But it seems the Doctors have seized the moment. Annihilating and slaughtering patients with impunity is not acceptable. Government should log patients to doctors and those patients who will die during this period must be tied to a doctor responsible then take appropriate action. How heartless both of you!

By: Kaizar Zulu Sun, 30 May 2021 06:14:50 +0000 Buck teeth the only one with small sausage is your tribal leader hh

By: Chirwa Sun, 30 May 2021 06:10:48 +0000 Drs were promised to be paid their arrears in 3 days but the ECL Govt failed to keep its promise. Drs,Nurses, Teachers,Lecturers. Students, Retirees, Civil Servants etc do not Trust ECL. The Cost of Living is high and People have no Money to buy basic goods. People are starving and suffering. So who is insane to vote for this uncaring and cruel Man on August 12? ECL trusts his Election Rigging Machinery but can u rig Elections Country-wide? Even in PF Traditional Strongholds People are chanting : “we want change..we want change “. It seems Macmillan’s wind of Change is blowing across Zambia. How will ECL withstand this push for a change of Govt? Time will.

By: Buck teeth lungu Sun, 30 May 2021 02:14:52 +0000 Kz has a small ch1kala thats why he does what he does…just ignore the little empty tin..

By: FORWARD IWE Sun, 30 May 2021 01:09:08 +0000 Economy ya Lungula n people are tired of this. Mind you, the retirees are also waiting for their dues.

By: FuManchu Sat, 29 May 2021 19:50:18 +0000 why should this be a recurring problem? Medical personnel are employed on terms agreed by both parties to uphold and when the agreement is negated a problem is created! Doctor’s theirs is not a free service and they are not spared from paying taxes as every employee in any organization and when government fails on its obligation to pay this work force their earned entitlements and instead pivoting to reminding the doctors that theirs is a noble cause to save lives just doesn’t cut it for medical personnel are not a charity! Why should medical personnel be made to think with their hearts when they too have homes to take care of and are experiencin the same hardships as any average Zambian? Government must not place politics above peoples’ lives!

By: katana Sat, 29 May 2021 19:24:13 +0000 Tell Mvunga to print more money just as they done for their cadres
